ENTREE | Profile | Liam Anderson
Liam Anderson

Liam Anderson


Data Scientist

Machine Learning Engineer

About me

Liam Anderson is a data scientist with expertise in machine learning and artificial intelligence. He focuses on building predictive models and developing algorithms for data-driven applications.


Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Data Engineering



My Projects

Fraud Detection Model

Fraud Detection Model

A machine learning model designed to detect fraudulent transactions in real-time, using supervised learning algorithms.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Chatbot

Natural Language Processing (NLP) Chatbot

An AI-driven chatbot developed with NLP techniques to understand and respond to customer queries efficiently.

Recommendation System

Recommendation System

A recommendation engine that suggests products to users based on their historical behavior and preferences.

Image Classification Model

Image Classification Model

A convolutional neural network (CNN) model created to classify images into different categories with high accuracy.

Customer Segmentation Using K-Means

Customer Segmentation Using K-Means

A project that involves segmenting customers into different groups using the K-Means clustering algorithm for targeted marketing.